Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Skip and Fast Forward

It's June already! A lot can happen in a month, and actually, that's the very reason I leave out May in my blog archive this year.

First, I'm almost officially an official. Okay, the word 'almost' doesn't sound reassuring at all, does it? But to me, who has been a sad little girl without a certain status these past few months, it is a big thing. Big enough to make me feel a wee bit euphoric when holding a mere paper with my name and my status written there. 

Secondly, I no longer work in the office where I have finished my on-the-job training. I get placed in the regional office that's even closer to my house than the previous one, but surprisingly, I do not feel all that happy. People keep saying I'm lucky to still have the opportunity to stay in my hometown, or the regional office has fewer workloads so I could relax. Correct me if I'm wrong, but most of the time, feeling has nothing to do with logic, doesn't it? I keep counting all the benefit I can get, but the truth is, I can't get myself to feel excited. I don't know, maybe I'm just being ungrateful, or maybe I just have to give it time. Loving is a process, I know that much too.

Thirdly, what is it with all the peer pressure? Two of my close friends are ready to settle down this year. The girls with whom I used to do silly things together now starting their own family. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for them, really, and I always wish the best for them in life or after. But being an unmarried girl in an adult environment only to be added by news of everybody gets married unless me, that's one pain in the stomach I could not avoid. Not that I want to get married anytime soon either. I'm just that girl who looks at greener grasses only to feel envy as hell. Haha. 

Bottom line, my life is great. It always is, but sometimes I need to write down things in public blog under pseudonym to reset my mindset and realize that.

"...But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not." [Quran, Al-Baqarah 216}

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